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Kim Noble is a woman who at the age of 14 spent 20 years in and out of many different mental health hospitals, until she memt Dr. Valarie Sinason where she began art therapy and was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder . having no art training, kim and her 12 other alters became very interested in painting. in 2004 these 12 different personalities each have their own distinctive style, colors, and themes that they all individually use ​


Kim at the time her abuse started was so young she couldn't speak, she couldn't complain. while she knew what was happening to her was wring she depended on these people to clothe her and feed her she was only an infant. on her third birthday is when her mind was thought that it shattered. and her other alters were born growing up she realized a lot of things that weren't considered normal, being in a classroom and not remembering getting there, or talking to people she didn't recognize or jobs she didn't remember applying for. 


Kim Noble 

A patients story 

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